
Shakti Unleashed

A grounded and holistic approach to sexual embodiment.


The media will tell you that “sex is everything”. I’ll argue that “everything is sex”.

According to many esoteric paths, sexual energy is the force of all creation. We literally create life by having sex and so, all creative acts can be thought of as inherently sexual ones. Just like a combination of the masculine (sperm) and feminine (egg) give birth to new life, combining the sacred essences of femininity and masculinity in the right balance can help you birth or manifest whatever it is that you desire.

Anything as powerful as sex has always been controlled by those who already had power and wanted more of it.

Organized religion added shame, guilt and sin to sexual relations. Governments have tried to control who could have sex with whom.

This shame has infiltrated our collective psyche and is passed down consciously or subconsciously from generation to generation. Our lack of connection to our sexuality severely limits our freedom of expression and sovereignty in all parts of our life. On an energetic level, a repressed connection to our sexuality holds us back from manifesting our life according to our souls’ desires.

A lack of connection in relationship; a lack of ability to launch a business; a lack of health and wellness - all can be traced back on a lack of connection to our own sexuality.


You are a being that craves to have agency in your life. Your birthright gives you an inherent strength beyond that which you realize. You may already be successful, or you may be on your path to success. Yet, you are held back. There is pain from your past that still eats away at you. You feel it in your body, in your energetic field and in your spirit. There are ways in which you are still living your life according to other people’s expectations instead of your soul’s deepest desires. There is a part of you craving to unleash itself and be completely free - and yet, you are taming that wildness inside.

That freedom is  the key to true success and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. My job is to help you unleash your wild feminine soul and learn to listen and be guided by that voice.

To do that, I employ a holistic framework of tools and techniques spanning across all 5 multi-dimensional aspects of your being: your soul, mind, emotion, energy-force and body. The goal is yours to set and mine to help you navigate to get there.

If you are looking to become a mentally, emotionally, spiritually and sexually liberated being…

If you are willing to challenge everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world around you...

If you are ready to step into your next level of power and creativity…

Click here to book a 1-on-1 introductory session with me.


CREATE & EXPRESS (6 months)

($1,870-$2,035 /MONTH)

  • Zoom call intake session:

    • I learn more about you and what you are looking to get out of our work together:

      • Looking to unblock some emotional, creative or sexual energy?

      • Want to explore your mindset and attitudes towards your sacred sexuality?

      • Looking to connect more to your body, breath and energy?

    • I then come up with a specialized and unique plan for our work together depending on your goals.

    1. 1-2 Pranic Tune-Ups per month:

      • Depending on your goals and location each can either be in-person or via Zoom.

      • Generally includes:

        • Diagnostic of your current energetic state.

        • Alignment and energizing of your energy centers and passages.

        • Release of any emotional, creative or sexual blocks.

      • Tips & practices to do on your own to maintain your divine energy flow.

    2. 1-2 coaching sessions per month via Zoom:

      • Helps you take one step at a time in the direction of your goals while integrating the energetic practice.

      • Education on practices you can do on your own to maintain your new level of connection and awareness.

    3. Email/text access to provide updates, celebrate wins, discuss challenges, and seek feedback as required between coaching sessions.



  • Zoom call intake session:

    • I learn more about you and what you are looking to get out of our work together:

      • Looking to unblock some emotional, creative or sexual energy?

      • Want to explore your mindset and attitudes towards your sacred sexuality?

      • Looking to connect more to your body, breath and energy?

    • I then come up with a specialized and unique plan for you depending on your goals and share practices with you on how to prepare for our session.

  • Pranic Tune-Up (30-120 min)

    • Depending on your goals and location can be in-person or via Zoom.

    • Generally includes:

      • Diagnostic of your current energetic state.

      • Alignment and energizing of your energy centers and passages.

      • Release of any emotional, creative or sexual blocks.

    • Tips & practices to do on your own to maintain your divine energy flow.