About Me



…enough about me.


This isn’t really about me, now is it?

What would you even want to know about me?

Most people go here to see someone’s life story, their degrees and accolades. I get it -  we want to know the person we’re working with has credibility and “knows what they’re doing”. Let’s get that part out of the way.

I’ll reveal to you that:

  • I’ve been involved in the personal development & spiritual awareness leadership space for nearly 20 years.

  • I’m a Certified Professional Coach (not only that, I train people who want to become certified professional coaches with one of the world’s largest ICF accredited coach training programs).

  • I am certified in administering and debriefing assessments that measure your perceptions and attitudes.

  • I’m certified in chakra-balancing, sexual-energy-harnessing, body and energy work.

  • I’ve been an Executive at a Social-Emotional Learning non-profit where I taught, trained and created content for almost 15 years.

  • I’ve been a barista, restaurant manager, property manager and basically a workaholic for most of my life.

  • I’ve been a spiritual teacher and leader at a cult-ish organization that I joined at the ripe age of 10 years old and left publicly and dramatically when I was 35.

  • I’ve apprenticed with a mystic witch that has initiated me in psychedelic forms of meditation and metaphysics.

  • I’m trained in a variety of sciences and pseudosciences alike.

  • I’m autodidactical, claircognizant, introspective and interoceptive - understanding concepts and people intuitively and channeling great wisdom (with or without the use of plant medicine).

  • I’m compassionate, empathetic, present, engaged and yet detached enough to see people objectively and help shine a light in their blindspots. Also, I really fucking love people.

  • I also am a creative cook, ecstatic dancer and people love complimenting me on my “yoga practice” - though I haven’t been certified in any of these things.

Now that you’ve read all of those external markers and validators of credibility, I’ve either repelled you as far as possible from my website or you might be curious to learn more. Either way - good. I’ll challenge you to put that critical mind on hold and listen to what your heart is telling you.

Like I said, this isn’t about me. It’s about you.

You are likely here because there’s something about yourself that you want to change. Sorry, can’t help you with that. There’s nothing wrong with you; you have nothing to change and neither does anybody else.

So maybe there’s something in your life that you’re wishing you had but seems to always be out of your grasp. I’ll tell you right now that that’s probably because you’re too busy wishing for it or chasing it instead of realizing that everything that’s yours already belongs to you. You just need to give yourself permission to have it.

Maybe you’re looking for answers and hoping you might find them here. Nope. I don’t have any answers for you - and neither does anyone else, they are all already inside you.

So what the actual fuck do you do, Yossef?!?

What I know I can do, is help you take a good look at all the things you think are you - but actually aren’t. The business ideas you’ve copied from others; the relationship you dream of that was put in your head by your parents and the media; the rules you subconsciously live by that came from society and school and religion and anywhere but inside you.

Then, after you take a good, hard look at these, and realize they aren’t you, you’ll be sick of carrying them around.

And that’s where the magic happens.

You see, all that will be left once you strip away who you aren’t...is who you actually are.

This is where you start living life on your own terms. This is where your uniqueness shines through and you become irreplaceable in the marketplace and in your relationships because you have become one of few mentally, emotionally, sexually, creatively and spiritually liberated people to walk this earth.

Well how the fuck do you do that, Yossef?!?

I don’t do it alone. Neither do you need to do it on your own.

What you have: access to an infinite source of wisdom that shows you which life path suits you best, whether you know it or not. 

What I bring: a variety of modalities that can help you harness that infinite wisdom.

I think you can see where I’m going here.

If all this has resonated with you and you’d like to take the next step, this is how it works:

First, we’ll have a talk to get an idea of where you want to go with our time together.

Once that’s clear, we’ll make sure to always be open and curious about the best way to get you there. Each session will be about challenging and breaking down any of your old belief systems that no longer serve you. You’ll then get to choose how you want to show up in your life and we’ll design action steps to get you there. Between sessions, the real work happens as you integrate your new awareness and we’ll continue on that path, step by step, to get you where you want to go.

Also, we’ll be completely unattached from the specific results you said you wanted as you’ll likely realize that you’re actually searching for something completely different all along.

No agenda, no attachments, just the two of us curiously carving out your ideal life path and enjoying every single moment along the way.